What to watch out for when handling an induction melting furnace-songdao induction heating equipment manufacturer
What to watch out for when handling an induction melting furnace
Author:induction furnace time:2020-01-31 10:55

Induction melting furnace is a common equipment used for steel smelting. Its use environment has special characteristics, so it needs to be properly operated and maintained in place during operation. Below, Jiuli will give you a brief introduction from the handling of induction melting furnace.

Improper handling methods will cause damage to the induction melting furnace and affect the overall application of the induction melting furnace. Therefore, the following points should be noted when transporting:

1. When lifting unopened machines with lifting equipment, pay attention to the position and safety of the ropes.

2. Under no circumstances should the induction melting furnace be subjected to severe vibration or excessive tilting.

3. The packaging box of the induction melting furnace must not be placed upside down during transportation.

4. When unpacking, first check the external conditions of the machine, and check whether the fasteners of the induction melting furnace are loose and changed, and need to be adjusted before commissioning.

The above are several aspects that need to be paid attention to during transportation. In addition, songdao reminds the majority of operators to strengthen the study and application of the use specification, and use it from all aspects and details to ensure the normal use of the induction melting furnace.


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