12 maintenance methods of induction melting furnace in rainy season-songdao induction heating equipment manufacturer
12 maintenance methods of induction melting furnace in rainy season
Author:induction furnace time:2019-12-03 08:48

1. Regularly clean the dust in the IF power cabinet and clean it with alcohol. Although the inverter room is erased during operation, the dust during the smelting and forging process is very large and there are more corrosive gases. When there is more dust, It will damage the components of the device, reduce the edge strength of the device, and the surface discharge of the parts often occurs, so it is often cleaned to prevent failures.

2. The induction melting furnace should be used frequently, and it should not be left for a long time. When it is used again for a long time, it should be blown with a fan for 1 hour to eliminate moisture and clean up the dust in the machine. Then, it should be powered on and tested with a small power. run.

3. Always pay attention to the water temperature and pressure of the induction melting furnace, and all water channels (other than thyristor cooling water channels) must be unblocked, and there must be no leakage or blockage.

4. Pay close attention to the main AC contactor and air switch, the temperature and color of the main contact. If the contact is ablated, handle or replace it in time.

5. When the induction melting furnace is operated in the rainy weather, care must be taken to exclude condensation on the thyristor and the main control board.

6. Always check whether the cooling water of the sensor head is unblocked and whether the flow is sufficient. The flow meter display value is not lower than the normal value. The water flow of the sensor head is directly related to its own safe operation. If the water temperature is too high, it should be handled in time, otherwise the sensor head may malfunction The operator must pay great attention.

7. Induction melting furnace is inspected monthly to remove dust and dirt inside the machine. If corrosion looseness is found, it should be repaired before use.

8. If the induction melting furnace is not used temporarily, the drying and ventilation measures should be strengthened to prevent the device from being damaged by moisture.

9. Regularly check whether the load wiring is good and the edge is reliable.

10. Regularly check whether the water pipes of the induction melting furnace are firmly connected. When the device uses tap water as the cooling water source, it is easy to accumulate scale and affect the cooling fruit. When plastic water pipes are cracked due to aging, they should be replaced in time. Condensation is prone to occur when using tap water to cool in summer. The use of a circulating water system should be considered. When condensation is severe, stop operation.

11. Regularly repair the equipment, check the bolts and nuts of each part of the device, and loosen or bad contacts of the contactor relay. They should be repaired and replaced in time to avoid strong use and prevent more serious accidents.

12. The induction melting furnace should clean up the oxidized layer accumulated in the diathermy induction coil in time, and replace the insulation lining in time. After the new furnace lining is replaced, we should pay attention to check whether the load of the inverter is located on the site, and the fault is high, which is often ignored. We should strengthen the maintenance of the load to prevent the fault and the variable frequency power supply is an important link to ensure the normal operation of the device.


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